Ecommerce marketing services to generate more sales

Our in-house ecommerce marketing experts will define a multi-channel digital marketing strategy to achieve your sales goals.

If you’re not bringing your A-game with a solid ecommerce marketing plan, your competitors will eat your lunch.

And probably your dinner and breakfast too.

Setting up an online store is easy. Sometimes, even getting traffic is easy. But converting those visitors to customers and building their loyalty is a challenge. FunnelKake uses multi-channel digital marketing strategies customized for your store to deliver your sales goals. Our ecommerce marketing services include PPC ads (Google, Bing); Google Shopping; Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn advertising; social media marketing (SMM); content development; mobile-first website optimization; email strategies; and SEO, including optimizing product titles and descriptions to increase your organic search results.

ecommerce marketing services

Why FunnelKake is your best choice for ecommerce marketing services:

Every client is unique.

FunnelKake isn’t a template agency. We don’t simply check the boxes and fill in the blanks for each ecommerce client. We craft your digital marketing plan, PPC ads, messaging, content, and store management from scratch and design a plan for your success that is yours alone.

In-House Specialists.

Many digital marketing agencies outsource their ecommerce marketing services overseas to keep costs down. Not us. All our ecommerce work is done in-house for full accountability and quality of service.


You can build an ecommerce marketing staff in-house and give them 24 months to learn the ropes and make beginner mistakes. But that can cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries, benefits, and lost opportunity. We’ve been around the ecommerce block a few times and know the fastest route to success for your vertical.

SEO expertise.

Search engine algorithms are constantly changing – sometimes by a little and sometimes by a lot. It’s essential that someone working on building your organic traffic is familiar with how to adapt to these changes and adjusts your SEO strategy accordingly. The SEO specialist must also work closely with content creators to build organic traffic.

Transparent Reporting.

FunnelKake’s conversion tracking reports are delivered monthly and show your ROI for advertising, how many conversions (sales) we generated (as per google analytics), the marketing channels those sales came from, how users found your website, which devices they used, and much more. These reports not only tell you how we’re doing as your marketing partner but help to inform your ecommerce marketing strategy moving forward.

In-house web development.

We don’t farm out our web development overseas. All work on your website is done in-house by our highly experienced development team so the lines of communication are clear and we can be responsive to your needs.

Ecommerce marketing funnels and conversion funnels to sell everything under the sun.

Over the years, the digital marketing pros at FunnelKake have helped our ecommerce clients sell everything under the sun, from candles to industrial lasers. If you can make it and ship it, we can market it.

Properly done, ecommerce marketing is a well-coordinated web of services which work together to drive sales, maximize your return on investment, and with a little luck, blow up your brand.

Learn how we helped these clients

lumber company marketing and advertising

A regional lumber company set up an e-commerce site to sell tools, hardware and other home building supplies to pro contractors and consumers. We took sales from practically zero to hundreds of thousands in 3 years.

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B2B marketing and advertising

Ecommerce case study: a B2B company’s revenues were declining while the cost of their digital marketing skyrocketed. How we turned that around.

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The buyer’s journey is no longer a straight line.

In the age of brick and mortar retail, a consumer saw an ad in a local newspaper, on TV or radio, walked into a store and bought a product. That’s a pretty linear buyer journey – practically a straight line. Now that buyer journey is at best, elliptical.

Today, a customer visits your e-commerce website and then may go to competing websites to price an item. Then, they might check review sites and your social media pages, looking for clues to the quality of your customer service. They might even visit forums or group pages to discuss your products, looking for recommendations. These touchpoints might happen on their phone, a tablet, their desktop, a home assistant, or on all four.

The ability to compare pricing and research your brand has transformed the buyer’s journey and this is why it’s important that your e-commerce marketing touches a customer at as many points along the buyer’s path as possible, from product and brand discovery through purchase and retention.

ecommerce marketing services

Our ecommerce marketing services help increase these key performance indicators (KPI’s):

Paid and organic website traffic:

We can boost paid traffic quickly with targeted advertising. Organic traffic delivered through SEO can take months to improve, but once established, it costs little to maintain.

Build brand awareness:

Email, social media and advertising all put your brand in front of new customers and established customers to build awareness and encourage buying.

Conversions (CRO):

Website traffic is nice but selling products to those visitors is better.

Customer loyalty:

It can cost significantly to get a customer to buy from you the first time (CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost). But once they do, it costs much less to get them to buy again.

Increased Average Order Value:

You can sell a customer one thing at a time, or with a little incentive, 2 or 3 things at once and make substantially more profit.

Local search optimization:

We help local businesses build awareness in their own backyards. This is imperative if you also sell through a brick and mortar store.

FunnelKake’s ecommerce marketing services include:

Ecommerce Website Design

If your ecommerce website isn’t lighting the world on fire, it might be time for an upgrade. We’ll study your website’s user experience (UX), its speed, navigation, ease of use, and other criteria to determine if it needs a few tweaks or a complete rehab.

Social Media Marketing

Some products and brands gain amazing traction with organic social media posts – for others it’s a real slog. We’ll do what’s necessary to build your followers and brand voice organically and with paid social posts, including influencers when appropriate.

Ecommerce SEO

A little different from content SEO, ecommerce SEO focuses on optimizing your products so they’re found easily by search engines and rank as high as possible in search results. We improve product titles and descriptions, meta data, image tags, product hierarchy, gather product reviews, and do a whole bunch of gobbledygook to make your ecommerce website more visible to search engines. This increases your organic (free) traffic and sales.

PPC Advertising

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords), Facebook ads, Verizon Media, Bing, and other digital advertising platforms are brilliant at serving targeted ads to the right customers at the right time. FunnelKake is a certified partner with Google, Facebook, and Verizon Media (formerly Yahoo/Oath). Our ad geeks check your data every day and make sure your ad budget is working to drive conversions and not being burned.

Ecommerce Content Strategy

If you’re not blogging you’re missing an opportunity to introduce new customers to your brand. And by blogging, we don’t mean yelling relentlessly into the ether trying to sell your products in every post. Because let’s face it, no one likes that and even fewer read it. We like building the voice of a brand – identifying who we’re trying to reach and then going after them with informative content, which ultimately drives more traffic to your site and lifts the entire domain in search engines. Which ignites sales. Content marketing is one of the pillars of a successful ecommerce SEO strategy.

Email Marketing Strategies

An engaged customer is much easier to sell to than a new customer. And a happy customer who is delighted by your products and service keeps coming back for more. We develop email marketing strategies for ecommerce stores to keep customers engaged and spending: abandoned cart emails, welcome to the list emails, we haven’t seen you in awhile emails, VIP emails, and many more. We’ve partnered with multiple email platforms and will choose the one most suited to accomplish your ecommerce marketing strategy.

Ecommerce Store Management

If the day-to-day of running your ecommerce store is getting to be too much for your staff, we can take some or all the grunt work off your hands. We work with the leading ecommerce platforms, including Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce for WordPress, Zoey, and others.

Let us know how we can help you with your ecommerce marketing.

Tell us a little about yourself and your challenges and we’ll get back to you asap.